Company Interviews: Jeff Yung as Sebastian
We asked Jeff Yung, who plays Sebastian in our production of Twelfth Night, a few questions about himself, the play, Shakespeare, and his romantic history...

What is your favourite scene or line in Twelfth Night?
“Hallow your name to the reverberate hills, and make the babbling gossip of the air cry out; Olivia”
The scene where Viola first meets Olivia is my favourite. Watching Viola's earnestness slowly open Olivia up always reminds me of just how unpredictable and powerful love can be.
Have you ever written or received a love letter?
Yes I have written many and received a few. I love reading a letter that you did not expect to be a love letter. It is so striking to see how intimate the language of a love letter becomes, especially when you don't expect it.
Who do people say is your celebrity twin?
Richard Lee.
What might an audience member be interested to know about your take on your character?
Sebastian is a pretty popular role. If I remember correctly, Daniel, Jesse (Nerenberg), and Catherine (all company from this production) have all played the character before. What an audience member might like to know is that this will be my first time playing a Shakespearean lover, so it is a new experience all around for me.
What are you most looking forward to about this production?
Seeing the amazing work of my fellow cast mates, hearing the music and dancing the Charleston.
What are you going to drink to celebrate opening night at the Monarch Tavern?
Their finest sparkling water, or if I'm feeling wild, a pitcher of Coca-Cola.
“Hallow your name to the reverberate hills, and make the babbling gossip of the air cry out; Olivia”
The scene where Viola first meets Olivia is my favourite. Watching Viola's earnestness slowly open Olivia up always reminds me of just how unpredictable and powerful love can be.
Have you ever written or received a love letter?
Yes I have written many and received a few. I love reading a letter that you did not expect to be a love letter. It is so striking to see how intimate the language of a love letter becomes, especially when you don't expect it.
Who do people say is your celebrity twin?
Richard Lee.
What might an audience member be interested to know about your take on your character?
Sebastian is a pretty popular role. If I remember correctly, Daniel, Jesse (Nerenberg), and Catherine (all company from this production) have all played the character before. What an audience member might like to know is that this will be my first time playing a Shakespearean lover, so it is a new experience all around for me.
What are you most looking forward to about this production?
Seeing the amazing work of my fellow cast mates, hearing the music and dancing the Charleston.
What are you going to drink to celebrate opening night at the Monarch Tavern?
Their finest sparkling water, or if I'm feeling wild, a pitcher of Coca-Cola.