Company Interviews: Augusto Bitter as Fabian
We asked Augusto Bitter, who plays Fabian in our production of Twelfth Night, a few questions about himself, the play, and his early romance...

What is your favourite scene or line in Twelfth Night?
"Love sought is good, but given unsought, is better" (III.i). Or either one of the beautiful/steamy Sebastian/Antonio scenes.
Have you ever written or received a love letter?
I wrote many a love letter in elementary school. The last one I received was in the fourth grade, written on graph paper. The contents essentially said: "You're moving to Canada. Alas, we can never be." I shredded it a while back in an attempt to curb my hoarding habit, and I have regretted it ever since. Sorry, Fabiola.
Who do people say is your celebrity twin?
Prince. RIP.
What might an audience member be interested to know about your take on your character?
Shakespeare did not actually write Fabian as a Pastor. Our director, James, took the liberty of combining Fabian and the Priest into one very eccentric, questionable pastor who just wants to have a good time and see people get married. He's the "cool priest." It works... somehow.
What are you going to drink to celebrate opening night at the Monarch Tavern?
The Blood of Christ (i.e. wine...'cause I'm a pastor... Get it?)
"Love sought is good, but given unsought, is better" (III.i). Or either one of the beautiful/steamy Sebastian/Antonio scenes.
Have you ever written or received a love letter?
I wrote many a love letter in elementary school. The last one I received was in the fourth grade, written on graph paper. The contents essentially said: "You're moving to Canada. Alas, we can never be." I shredded it a while back in an attempt to curb my hoarding habit, and I have regretted it ever since. Sorry, Fabiola.
Who do people say is your celebrity twin?
Prince. RIP.
What might an audience member be interested to know about your take on your character?
Shakespeare did not actually write Fabian as a Pastor. Our director, James, took the liberty of combining Fabian and the Priest into one very eccentric, questionable pastor who just wants to have a good time and see people get married. He's the "cool priest." It works... somehow.
What are you going to drink to celebrate opening night at the Monarch Tavern?
The Blood of Christ (i.e. wine...'cause I'm a pastor... Get it?)